When to Plant Petunia Seeds
Sow Petunia flower seeds indoors 10-12 weeks before planting outside. Harden young plants for 10-14 days before planting outdoors after last frost date.
Where to Plant Petunia Seeds
Petunias thrive in full sun to partial shade in moderately fertile, humus-rich, moist, well-drained soil. Petunias are perfect to cover a large area in the garden or to cascade from baskets and containers.
How to Plant Petunia Seeds
Petunia seeds require light to germinate, so be careful not to cover them when planting.
Gently press seeds into soil without covering and keep soil wet. 5-6 weeks after sowing seeds, transplant seedlings into 3" pots and grow in cooler temperatures with plenty of light. Transplant seedlings outdoors after soil warms to about 60 degrees F.
How to Care for Petunias
Pinch young seedlings back to encourage branching. Fertilize regularly and deadhead any spent blooms. While Petunias don't have serious insect or disease problems, they are susceptible to root rot and can attract aphids, flea beetles, slugs, and snails.