500 Pcs Plumed Castle Celosia Seeds
500 Pcs Plumed Castle Celosia Seeds
500 Pcs Plumed Castle Celosia Seeds
500 Pcs Plumed Castle Celosia Seeds
500 Pcs Plumed Castle Celosia Seeds
500 Pcs Plumed Castle Celosia Seeds
500 Pcs Plumed Castle Celosia Seeds
500 Pcs Plumed Castle Celosia Seeds
500 Pcs Plumed Castle Celosia Seeds
500 Pcs Plumed Castle Celosia Seeds
500 Pcs Plumed Castle Celosia Seeds
500 Pcs Plumed Castle Celosia Seeds

500 Pcs Plumed Castle Celosia Seeds

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This lovely and easy to grow Celosia variety is a top choice for the cutting garden as well as ornamental landscape plantings. Best when direct sown, Celosia can tolerate partial shade but will really shine in full sun. Known to hold its color even after cutting and drying, Celosia Plumosa are one of the most versatile seeds we offer!



When to Plant Celosia Seeds

Start indoors 6-8 weeks before your final frost date, using a seed starting mix or kit.


Where to Plant Celosia Seeds

Celosia does it's best when it's in Full Sun. Rich, well-draining, moist soil - with lots of compost, are the best conditions for this plant.


How to Plant Celosia Seeds

Celosia seeds require light to germinate, so be careful not to cover them when planting. Learn more about germination light requirements here.

Sow seeds directly onto the surface of your seed starting formula, but do not cover, they need light to germinate. Keep temperatures at a consistent 70-75° F and sprouts will emerge in 7-10 days. When seedlings emerge, ensure they get plenty of sunlight - thinning to 1 seedling per cell when they develop two leaves. Do not transplant to the garden until well after the final frost: above 65° F during the day and 50° F at night, otherwise, you'll experience stunted growth. Space about 9 - 12 inches apart.


How to Care for Celosia

Keep Celosia well watered, especially during dry period without natural rainfall. Pinching back the first bloom will encourage branching and bushier growth. Remove the plants after they die back in the fall.


Will celosia reseed itself?

Celosia is easily dried by hanging small bundles of flower stems upside down in a cool, dry room with good ventilation. The seeds will fall out as they dry. These plants will self-seed readily and although the seedlings are easy to remove, it can become a weed as they set seed prolifically.


How long does it take celosia to bloom from seed?

Celosias are warm weather plants and take about 90 days to flower after planting. Like beans, they are not happy unless the soil temperature is at least 60 degrees Fahrenheit. In cold winter areas, get a jump-start on the season by starting the seeds indoors four to six weeks before the last frost date.


What is the lifespan of celosia?

Celosia are only annuals, which mean that their lifespan is only one season, spanned over ten to twelve months.